【GPT】Binance 宣布将于 2025 年 1 月 3 日上线 BIO Protocol (BIO) 代币交易对,引发 DeSci(去中心化科学)领域热潮。BIO Protocol 是一个生物 DAO 网络,专注长寿、女性健康等领域,生态内包含多个 DAO 和知识产权代币(IPT)。消息推动相关代币如 RIF、DRUGS 等大涨,市场对 DeSci 领域的关注度显著提升。BIO 代币未来还将扩展至多链网络并推出新功能。来源于MarsBit专栏作家0xFacai
来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
【GPT】近期加密市场热点频现,山寨币崛起,链上项目表现亮眼。World Liberty Financial 投资 4475 万美元布局 ETH、AAVE、LINK 等蓝筹项目,推动相关代币价格上涨,并注重实际收益与商业模式。其投资策略强化了市场对主流 DeFi 协议的信心,同时吸引更多机构资金入场,助推加密市场发展。来源于MarsBit专栏作家WOO X Research
日前,DeAgentAI 宣布推出全新活动季"Joe's Cat",并准备了高达 2 亿枚 DA 代币作为生态激励。
Ai Agent 已成明牌叙事
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.
近些日子,Metaplanet,这家备受瞩目的日本上市公司,因其将比特币纳入财库资产而被冠以“日本版 MicroStrategy”的称号。最近,该公司宣布了一项颇具争议但又引人注目的融资计划——零利率债券的发行。
老牌 DeFi 联手搞事,到手利润四六分成。
Balaji, former CTO of Coinbase, tweeted that in the future, smart cars, smart watches and smart homes will be widely used, and each object will not only be able to communicate with people, but also communicate with each other, record conversations and coordinate tasks for its owner who holds the private key. He called this trend "AI Internet of Things". In response, Vitalik Buterin emphasized that ensuring that the ownership of the device belongs to the private key holder is not a default result, and it requires human efforts to promote it.